Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Make your downfalls your strengths but never let your strengths be your downfall. Little by little try to stand. Stand strong, lift your head and show them what you've got. Overcome your fears and be rooted.

Catching the Dragon's Tail

Good health is one of life's greatest blessing. If you are healthy then you are wealthy. We spend and sacrifice our good health to gain wealth but at the end of the day, we spend our wealth to regain our health.

In playing the game catching the dragon's tail we should be physically fit. We must have a strong and healthy body. In order to win the game we should think for an effective strategy and we need a healthy body to make the strategy work.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018


   Hi everyone.......I am Shekainah and welcome to my blog. People cannot always say what they wish to say. Thoughts are kept inside until time comes that you just want to release them all. That's why I'm writing on this blog, to express the thoughts inside, to tell the ideas in my mind and to share the memories that I will keep in my whole life.

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